
AI智能音箱 小度智能音箱智能家居控制音箱1、提供音箱的语音及物联网软硬件解决方案:根据客户ID结构,修改板框图,提供硬件(PCBA板)和软件(语音及物联);2、定制APP,定制品牌;3、提供智能平台及物联系统,接入被控设备,如灯、小家电等;4、提供被控设备软硬件解决方案(如温湿度、空气质量检测、开关插座、智能窗帘、门锁、红外发射器等);  产品接入百度云服务  支持语音控制家

  • 型号: AI智能音箱

AI智能音箱 小度智能音箱






  产品接入百度云服务  支持语音控制家电 4月15号左右可以提供样品,5月份开始量产。成品价格1XX元。


AI Intelligent Speaker Small Intelligent Speaker

Smart home control speaker

1. Provide voice speaker and Internet of Things software and hardware solutions: according to the customer ID structure, modify the block diagram, provide hardware (PCBA board) and software (voice and material link);

2. Customize APP and brand;

3. Provide intelligent platform and transit system, access to controlled equipment, such as lights, small household appliances, etc.

4. Provide hardware and software solutions for controlled equipment (such as temperature and humidity, air quality detection, switch socket, intelligent curtain, door lock, infrared transmitter, etc.).

Product access to Baidu cloud services to support voice control appliances around April 15 can provide samples, starting mass production in May. The price of finished product is 1 XX yuan.

AI智能音箱 小度智能音箱






  产品接入百度云服务  支持语音控制家电 4月15号左右可以提供样品,5月份开始量产。成品价格1XX元。


AI Intelligent Speaker Small Intelligent Speaker

Smart home control speaker

1. Provide voice speaker and Internet of Things software and hardware solutions: according to the customer ID structure, modify the block diagram, provide hardware (PCBA board) and software (voice and material link);

2. Customize APP and brand;

3. Provide intelligent platform and transit system, access to controlled equipment, such as lights, small household appliances, etc.

4. Provide hardware and software solutions for controlled equipment (such as temperature and humidity, air quality detection, switch socket, intelligent curtain, door lock, infrared transmitter, etc.).

Product access to Baidu cloud services to support voice control appliances around April 15 can provide samples, starting mass production in May. The price of finished product is 1 XX yuan.

AI智能音箱 小度智能音箱






  产品接入百度云服务  支持语音控制家电 4月15号左右可以提供样品,5月份开始量产。成品价格1XX元。


AI Intelligent Speaker Small Intelligent Speaker

Smart home control speaker

1. Provide voice speaker and Internet of Things software and hardware solutions: according to the customer ID structure, modify the block diagram, provide hardware (PCBA board) and software (voice and material link);

2. Customize APP and brand;

3. Provide intelligent platform and transit system, access to controlled equipment, such as lights, small household appliances, etc.

4. Provide hardware and software solutions for controlled equipment (such as temperature and humidity, air quality detection, switch socket, intelligent curtain, door lock, infrared transmitter, etc.).

Product access to Baidu cloud services to support voice control appliances around April 15 can provide samples, starting mass production in May. The price of finished product is 1 XX yuan.